1255 Lee Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
Walking Distance from Oak Street Lightrail Station and RTD bus stop
Animal Assisted Therapy Ranch

Hiawatha, the horse, was named after Hiawatha, the legendary peace chief of the Iroquois tribes, and one of the founders of the Iroquois Confederacy. In some legends, Hiawatha is considered the primary uniter of the Iroquois tribes, while in others, he is presented as an assistant to the Great Peacemaker. “Finding Hiawatha” means to find inner peace.
Not only was Hiawatha Jacque’s first horse but, he was also her soul horse and therapist when she was school age. When she was twelve, Jacque brought Hiawatha to Colorado from her grandfather’s ranch in New Mexico. Hiawatha was a retired rodeo bronco when she first met him and she felt a connection with him right away. Hiawatha taught Jacque the true meaning of love and friendship. Often, in her growing up years Jacque had difficulty verbally expressing her feelings, however, when she was with Hiawatha she allowed herself to be her true authentic self. She cried on his shoulder with every heartache she experienced. Jacque believes in the healing power of the horse because a horse healed her.